
This offering is based on our national best-selling book, How We Choose to Be Happy – The 9 Choices of Extremely Happy People.

This is where it all started. Direct from our global research into the behaviors, attitudes, and choices of some of the world’s happiest people, comes our practical roadmap to happiness. Regardless of genetic make-up, personality, or background, anyone, in any culture, can learn to make these choices. In fact, we’ve presented these programs on all seven continents (and even on airplanes flying between the

In our interactive and transformational happiness programs and keynotes, we help people integrate the nine behaviors into their lives to create greater joy, resilience and success as individuals, and in their careers and relationships with others.

Our happiness programs have been presented at major conferences, universities, professional meetings, and for entire communities. Some titles of recent keynote and workshop presentations are:

  • The 9 Choices of Extremely Happy People
  • Happiness: Heading Toward Retirement
  • Happiness and Success
  • Creating the Happiest Relationships
  • Raising Happy Children
  • Happy at Work, Happy at Home
  • Staying Happy Through Difficult Times
  • Why Scientists Think You Should Choose Happiness
  • The New Science of Happiness
  • Staying Happy Around Toxic People

All of our programs are fast-moving, interactive, and fun! – and participants walk out with tangible tools they can use immediately.

The Sustainable Happiness Course

In addition to our keynotes and presentations, we’ve collaborated with Dr. Catherine O’Brien to create an exciting online course called The Sustainable Happiness Course, based on both her innovation of the concept of Sustainable Happiness and the integration of the FosterHicks system.

The definition of Sustainable Happiness is: A feeling of intense personal well-being that spreads out to those around us. It’s a happiness that sustains our world by not exploiting other people or the environment. And, it’s a way to make the world a better place for future generations.

Information about the course can be found at SustainableHappinessCourse.com