Happiness & Health: 9 Choices That Redefine What it Takes to Create Lifelong Vitality and Well-being
We all want to be healthy. In fact, in a recent national mega-study, declining health ranked as our greatest fear, far surpassing anxieties about finances, relationships, terrorism… or even spiders! Clearly it’s our #1 priority. Yet, we’ve chosen to control our health by focusing almost exclusively on low fat diets, exercise programs, and trips to the doctor. As important as these are, we haven’t tapped into our most powerful and available route to good health, what scientists refer to as the New Frontier – our positive emotions. New research shows that they are a root cause of good health, high immune function, and better healing.

How We Choose To Be Happy: The 9 Choices of Extremely Happy People, Their Secrets, Their Stories
When Rick and Greg set out on a three-year voyage to study extremely happy people, their travels took them to a corporate manager in Seattle balancing her career and family, a retired doctor and holocaust survivor in Amsterdam, a hardware store owner in rural Alabama — and more than three hundred others around the world.

Leader Shock
“LeaderShock” describes what’s happening to leaders everywhere. Faced with the chaos, demands and difficult relationships in business today, leaders in all walks of life feel overwhelmed, frustrated and ineffective. As a management consultant with clients in over 30 industries, I’ve watched LeaderShock grow more debilitating each year — registering on the workplace as slowed growth, low morale and lack of confidence in management. In short, LeaderShock now affects everyone — employees, companies, stockholders — but most of all the leaders themselves who are searching for a new brand of leadership that will give them the powerful effectiveness they need and the personal exhilaration they want.

The Martha is Mine…An Almost True Story
This is a new book for children by Rick and Greg filled with vivid watercolor illustrations.